Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Having trouble building muscle?

You were going to the gym regularly for months and have not been able to deliver any poundage? If you answered yes to any question, it is time to go back and make some plans. Building muscle is not rocket science. There are four main factors that will mean the difference between building muscle and staying lean. You have to ask these four questions.

My diet is ideal for building muscle?

It's time to leave the "3 meals a day" mentality. If you want to win (or lose) weight you need to feed your body as a whole food, six times a day. This means that the division of large meals and eat every three hours. This is not only good for your metabolism, but your body with food, rather than storing them as fat.

The six meals a day should consist mainly of complex carbohydrates and proteins. You should aim for at least thirty grams of protein per meal. Include foods rich in protein from lean meat, poultry, fish, egg whites, cheese and dairy products. Complex carbohydrates are rice, bread and potatoes. Stay away from foods high in salt and sugar

I use supplements, and when I get them?

If you can afford to use supplements. All three are considered as the basis of proteins, carbohydrates and creatine. The supplementation of whey protein is the quickest way to deliver quality protein known to the muscles. Thus, it is particularly effective after shaking your workouts when your body is like the protein for muscle re-growth.

There are three key moments that supplements should be taken. From early morning, after his training and before bedtime. If your diet is zero, it is not necessary at any time. Do not use supplements to replace meals. Supplements are supplements, not replacements for food.

I am training hard and not smart?

The biggest mistake the new lifters make is thinking that the more exercise the more you receive. This could not be further from the truth! Two basic rules you should remember when it comes to weight training. Firstly, the quality is better than quantity. Second, compound exercises are the kings of building muscle.

Compound exercises require at least two sets of movements. Large compound exercises are the squat, bench press, wide grip pull up and seated row. These movements recruit many more fibers of the muscles used to move the weight. This means that more muscle groups are worked, the task is more difficult, the growth potential is much greater.

In general, you should do three exercises that are an exercise in isolation. For example, back / biceps exercise could be a great grip pull ups, seated row, bent over row and standing Bicep curl. You may think that this is not enough for their work biceps? Wrong. His biceps are worked heavily in all these exercises, biceps curl just finishes them.

The duration of the training sessions should not exceed one hour. And you only need to train a muscle group once a week. This means a part of the routine that you simply need to be three days a week. In fact, most professional bodybuilders only train four times a week. Remember quality not quantity.

I get enough rest and recovery time?

When you are training muscle building, which is breaking. The reason I searched for "pumps" when you're in academia, because it is your muscle tissue is swollen and damaged. Your muscles actually grow when you are resting. Thus, in simple terms, there is no rest equals muscle growth.

So easy when you're not working. Facility in the cardiovascular system. And be sure to get much sleep. Sleep is the number of the agency for a time to build muscles. This is also why it is important to eat before bedtime, so your body has the fuel to repair muscle in your sleep.

Simple huh?

This can be seen that, despite what you read in magazines or on the web about building muscle, it is surprisingly simple.

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